The ISS General Secretariat in Geneva oversees the global project A Better Future is Possible, which promotes the right of children with disabilities living in institutions to access family-based care.

Project Prevent is an online campaign designed to raise awareness and provide timely information for families at risk of, or who are currently experiencing international parental child abduction.

ISS Australia is delighted to launch The Colour of Time: A Longitudinal Exploration of the Impact of Intercountry Adoption in Australia.

In 2008 ISS Australia received funding from the Fred P Archer Charitable Trust for the Victorian Kinship Care Project, which aimed to achieve better outcomes for Victorian children in alternative care by exploring the capacity of overseas family members to become potential carers.

In 2009, ISS Australia undertook research into the Hague Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children (1996).

Between 1912 and 1968, thousands of children were sent to Australia from the United Kingdom and Malta under a child migration scheme. These children were usually placed in institutions and many of the children were falsely told they were orphans.